Sonya is the Presiding Judge for the 310th Family District Court for the State of Texas in Harris County. Her emphasis has been on family law for almost 40 years in the legal industry. Sonya previously owned her firm, The Law Office of Sonya Heath, and worked as a judicial intern at the First Court of Appeals.
Sonya was published in the 2010-2011 Edition of The Adelphia Law Journal of South Texas College of Law on Human Papillomavirus: Can The Legislature Mandate the Vaccine.
Previously Vice Chair of the Young Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association's Family Law Committee, Sonya is currently a member of The College of the State Bar of Texas. During 2008-2009, she was Vice Chair of the ABA's Employee Benefits General Committee, Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section. She currently serves on several Mexican American Bar Association committees and holds memberships with the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and the Association of Women Lawyers. In 2006, she was a court-appointed special advocate in Rock County, Wisconsin, and participated in Houston Young Professionals for Children and Elves & More.
In her personal life, Sonya enjoys cycling. She has participated in the BP MS150 cycling event (150+ miles from Houston to Austin) for five years. She enjoys reading and being actively involved with her church, First United Methodist, downtown branch.
She has been District Conference Chair for 5890 for PDGs Mindi Snyder and Carmen Cuneo, Co-Chair of 5890’s Empowering Girls Initiative, and Past President-Elect for her club, the University Area Rotary Club. Additionally, she is very active with the United States – Russian Intercountry Committee Rotary Exchange. Previously, she was the Inaugural Gala Chair in 2016 for the Rotary Firefighters Home project and their Logistics Chair, which means she is responsible for all of the furnishings (inside and out) for a yet-to-be-built forty-unit apartment complex.
Sonya has two adult sons, Chris and Nick. She lives and works in downtown Houston.
Hon. Sonya L. Heath 310th Family District Court 201 Caroline, 15th Floor, Houston, TX 77002